Silk Road Chronology

Prior to 1000 BC Circa 3200 BC The horse is domesticated on the south Russian steppe. Circa 3000 BC Silk cloth is produced in China. Circa 3000 BC Sumerians develop a writing system. Circa 2500 BC The Bactrian and Arabian camels are domesticated. Circa 1600-1046 BC The oldest known proto-porcelain

Reasons Why You need a Silk Bonnet In 2024

A silk bonnet is a head cap made of high-quality silk that can help protect your hair while you sleep. Here are some of the benefits of wearing a silk bonnet:. This article will explore why you should wear a silk bonnet in 2024. women-are-wearing-silk-bonnetsThe Benefits Of Silk BonnetProtects Your

How do I know if a product is made of 6A grade silk?

Determining whether a product is genuinely made of 6A grade silk involves a keen eye and some knowledge. Here are some steps to help you verify the quality of silk: Determining whether a product is genuinely made of 6A grade silk involves a keen eye and some knowledge. Here are

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love and happiness

Dear, I hope this letter finds you well. On behalf of Suzhou Yasha Silk Technology Co., Ltd, I would like to extend our warmest greetings to you and your esteemed company. As the holiday season approaches, we would like to introduce our latest product offerings, the Silk Pillowcase Set and

Why Silk So Great?

There’s no fabric so loved and luxurious as silk. From Chinese empresses to Roman royalty, silk’s been known as the queen of fibers for thousands of years. But why is it that silk is such a prized fabric? This article lists six timeless characteristics of silk. These qualities help explain

How To Care For Your Silk?

At Silkord, we select the finest raw materials to manufacture our silk products. However, even the highest quality materials may depreciate if not properly taken care. Silk is a protein fiber (just like your hair!) which means you can actually clean them similarly. Proper care preserves the durability, breathability, and timeless elegance of

Why Choose silk Headband?

Silk  Headband is made of 100% natural mulberry silk. The luxurious fabric can help keep your hair soft, moisturized, and free of pesky tangles. Perfect for sports, running,yoga,biking, tennis and go-jogging. It keeps you looking beautiful whatever your hair and style needs. Silk-made headband, comfortable and cute enough to wear

What is the difference between silk and linen?

Certainly! Let’s explore the similarities and differences between silk and linen, two luxurious and natural textiles: In summary, silk is known for its softness, luxury, and temperature-regulating properties, while linen stands out for its durability, breathability, and natural texture. Choose based on your preferences and needs! For a good night’s sleep, consider silk or linen

The Ultimate Guide To Silk

Silk is a natural fiber known for its luxe feel, shine, strength, and durability. With a long history of use and one of the earliest fabrics enjoyed by ancient civilizations, silk has come a long way. A Brief History Of Silk Around 3,000 BCE, the Emperor’s concubine, Lei Zu, was

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